Mark Burnett: Wirklich lesenswert

Thomas Wölfer
Thomas Wölfer

08. Juni 2005

Auf SecurityFocus gibt es einen wirklich guten Artikel rund um Microsoft, die IT-Security und die Entwicklungen seit dem Jahr 2000. Ein Auszug:

I think that Windows 2000 has probably been one of Microsoft's greatest sources of bad press in the entire history of the company. But it also defined the company into what it is today. Windows 2000 was meant to be their most secure operating system ever but it turned out to be an absolute security disaster. Somehow Microsoft managed to not only recover from that disaster but also to turn security into one of their greater assets. It turns out, then, that Windows 2000 was their most successful failure so far.

Wirklich lesenswert: Kompletter Text hier.